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Joe - Treat Her Like A Lady

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Joe - Treat Her Like A Lady


Hug your son or daughter often. There is a cliché that says, 'A person needs at least eight hugs a day to make it through the day.' In many cases, if a young lady is not hugged by her dad, she will find some male figure to hug her.

Take your daughter out on her 'first date.' Teach her how a gentleman should treat her on dates. Teach your son how to act like a gentleman with young ladies. At a young age, teach your children about 'the birds and the bees.' If they do not learn it from you, they will learn it from their friends.

Never compare your children. They all are different. They all have good qualities, as well as some bad ones. Never day, 'Why can't you act like so and so.' Very few people grow up as superstar athletes. One in a million might play in the Major Leagues.

As a reporter for The Washington Post, I was responsible for recording what has been called "the first rough draft of history." But I was always aware that there was more to the story--whether it was the collapse of communism or a big political controversy in the United States--than I or other reporters were able to uncover at the time. It can sometimes take decades for the real story to emerge as historians gain access to secret documents, diaries, and other unpublished materials. The secret Nixon tapes provide a unique insight into events that were off-limits to reporters and other outsiders. Writing King Richard, I felt like a fly on the wall of the Oval Office with the reader by my side, as we eavesdrop on conversations we were never meant to hear. For anyone who is curious about how politics really operates, it is a thrilling, sometimes shocking experience that can leave you laughing at the craziness of it all when you are not shaking your head in disbelief.

But they're all out there in the streets in Seattle demonstrating together, because they're genuinely frustrated about the way the world is going and they kind of don't like this whole globalization thing. They think it's going to lead to further loss of control by ordinary people over the basic circumstances of their lives, and that bothers them.

Now, what finally happened was, we came up with a plan that raised income taxes only on the top 1.2 percent of the people, which I had, after all, promised to do in the '92 campaign. It wasn't like I didn't tell upper income people who supported me I wouldn't try to raise their taxes. But we had to raise them at the very end. Bentsen came in with a plan that essentially lifted the income cap off the Medicare taxes, which closed the gap. And we stuck with the gas tax, which Charlie Stenholm and some of our conservatives who were big deficit hawks were worried about, because they were afraid it would make our guys vulnerable, and I think it did. It was the only thing that average people had to pay, except that there were, I think, 13 percent of the Social Security recipients paid more because we began to tax Social Security income more like regular pension income.

By '96, the issue was working for us, because I could go to places like New Hampshire and say, "I want everybody that missed a day in the deer woods to vote against me. But if you didn't, they didn't tell you the truth, and you ought to get even." That's what I said. And our winning margin in New Hampshire went from one point to 13 points or something. But in '94 my party's Members bore the brunt of that.

And I would have thought that the insurers would actually have liked that, because they were going to get a lot more customers. But basically, they didn't like it because we couldn't just let them have all those mandated customers and have no Patients' Bill of Rights and no restrictions on managed care, so they then developed this whole argument that it's a Rube Goldberg machine, it's a Government takeover of health care, and all this stuff. And that sort of stuck because they had all that money to put behind it.

In retrospect, given the way Washington works, what I probably should have done is issued a clean Executive order, let them overturn it, and basically let them live with the consequences of it. And I might have actually gotten a better result in the end, more like the one I wanted.

The President. I could have done that. And like I said, in retrospect, we would have had greater clarity. And since there had been so many problems with implementing the policy, I'm not sure that for the past 6 years it would have been better. Now I think Secretary Cohen has really taken hold of this thing, and there have been some changes in the last 6 months that I think really will make the future better than the previous policy was.

And what about the Steve Skowronek theory, the Yale professor who talked about Third Way Presidents like you, like Wilson, substantively like Nixon, people who take the best of the opposition's agenda, sand off the rough edges, implement it, and are therefore distrusted by their own party and hated by the opposition?

The President. No, probably not. In other words, I could have done to them what they did to me. And that was the argument, that we'd just say no to them like they just said no to us. But governing is important to me. And I thought that in the end we would all be judged by how we had performed and by whether we had performed. And this may sound naive, but I believed that in the end, we could change the politics of Washington.

The other night, interestingly enough, I was at dinner in New York with a friend of mine who was in the telecom business and then got in the venture capital business with telecom. He had a dinner for me, and I had dinner with like 40 people, all of whom headed companies that didn't exist in 1996. I went out to UUP, which is an Internet connection company, which had 40 or 80 employees, something like that, in 1993, when I became President, and they have 8,000 now. I mean, it's amazing.

And again, I owe a lot of this to Al Gore. He convinced me in 1993 that climate change was real. And he wrote that book in '88, and they're still making fun of his book. And I remember as late as last year we had a House subcommittee that treated climate change like a conspiracy to destroy the economy of the United States. But now, you've got all the major oil companies admitting that it's real, that the climate really is warming at an unsustainable rate. And that's why we pushed the Kyoto Protocol and why I want to spend a lot more money, and also have tax incentives, for people to keep making advances in energy technologies and environmental conservation technologies.

Mr. Klein. Well, it's the last 8 years of my life, too, you know. [Laughter] And I haven't even asked you about foreign policy, for God sakes. We'll do two things. Let me ask you about foreign policy. It seems to me that if you look at what you did, there are two big things you did in foreign policy. One was raise economic issues to the same level as strategic issues, which was crucial, and the other was to demonstrate over time that America was going to be involved and use force when necessary in the rest of the world. The second one is, obviously, more messy and dicey than the first. The third thing you did was essentially not do anything wrong and do really right things when it came to the big things like Middle East, Russia, China.

And I think that the idea of how we might even go about mechanically, operationally, dealing with something like Rwanda just wasn't there. The French and others that had been more active in that part of Africa, I think they may have had a better sense of it, although they went in late.

00:53 Well, so I brought you here because I've always been fascinated with storycorps and you have such great stories, and I love stories, and I feel like I was always raised around family, telling stories, and so I just thought it'd be a great opportunity to get you to share some of yours. So why don't we start with where you were born? And and also just to clarify, how how was it, you came to be born there. I was born in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I was physically born in a log home. In Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

02:41 She got off the bus there and I don't know if the train there was taken by taxi to Gatlinburg and on upon entering the confines of Pigeon Forge and the road to Gatlinburg. She started crying. The taxi driver, said to her lady. I ain't done nothing, but you are you crying? And she said, I have never seen anything as beautiful as this in my life. You've got to understand, I just came from the Dust Bowl.

03:58 So, what did you what was that? Like like growing up in a in a place like that, that so many C is is a paradise. Chris is much different now and you're going to tell us a little bit about that. I think. But what did you do for fun? What was

04:50 Yeah, I neighborhood you were response and this friend was preparing a practice arrow and I sat down at the table and that and he were talkin and the friend reached under the table and took something out from under the table and stuck it in a practice, metal tip for an error and pushed it in there. And later on came to understand if what he got was chewing gum with the table. I needed you about that moment with his this weapon, that was kind of like, well, I have been told that I had was

06:23 And my fourth year of life was very eventful. I had some education and some startling things happen. I'm giggling. I'm hoping that there are good things but one of the things was the first thing, mr. Reagan Holly Ridge. Gatlinburg had about five roads that will call Rhodes. It was Airport, Road. There was Baskins Creek Road. There was Cherokee Orchard Road and the Parkway and River Road. And that was about it. Everything else on the outskirts of town had no street name. We just knew it is the only addition the Medellin Edition or the Monday Edition or for those terms and turkeys nest at stuff like that. So anyway, mr. Reagan was building a house. I was 4 years old. 041b061a72

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