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Sean Grandchamp
Sean Grandchamp

Hidrologi Terapan: A Book by Bambang Trihatmodjo on Applied Hydrology

Hidrologi Terapan: A Book by Bambang Trihatmodjo on Applied Hydrology

Hidrologi Terapan is a book written by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Trihatmodjo, DEA, a lecturer of Civil Engineering at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. The book covers the basic principles and analysis of hydrology, such as precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, runoff, flood, groundwater, and hydrological modeling. The book is intended to help undergraduate students in learning hydrology as a course subject. The book provides examples and exercises at the end of each chapter to enhance the understanding of the theory.

The book was first published in 2006 by Beta Offset, a publisher based in Yogyakarta. The second edition was released in 2010 with some revisions and improvements. The book has 978-979-8541-40-7 as its ISBN number. The book has 376 pages and is written in Indonesian language.

Hidrologi Terapan Bambang Trihatmodjo Pdf Download

The book can be downloaded as a PDF file from various online sources, such as[^1^],[^2^],[^3^], and[^4^]. However, these sources may not have the permission from the author or the publisher to share the book. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the original book from the official website of Beta Offset or other authorized bookstores.

Bambang Trihatmodjo is the third child of former President Soeharto and Siti Hartinah. He was born on 23 July 1953 in Surakarta, Central Java. He completed his primary and secondary education in Jakarta, and then studied technical education at the Polytechnic Institute of Virginia in the United States.

Bambang, along with his two former school friends, Mochamad Tachril Sapi'ie and Rosano Barack, founded the massive Bimantara Citra group in 1981. The group had dozens of subsidiaries in various sectors, such as trade, insurance, real estate, television and communications, hotels, transport, agriculture, fisheries, automotive, food, chemical, and tourism. Bambang was also the founder of RCTI, the first private television station in Indonesia. He served as the director and commissioner of Bimantara Citra until 1998.

Bambang was also involved in politics as a member of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) from 1992 to 1998. He represented the Golkar Party, which was the ruling party during his father's regime. He was also the treasurer of Golkar's central board.

After his father stepped down from power in 1998, Bambang faced legal troubles and public scrutiny over his business empire. He was accused of corruption, collusion and nepotism, and was ordered to return some of his assets to the state. He was also banned from travelling abroad by the Attorney General's Office. Bambang denied any wrongdoing and claimed that he built his business through hard work and innovation.

Bambang has been married twice. His first wife was Halimah Agustina Kamil, whom he married in 1981. They had three children: Gendis Siti Hatmanti, Panji Adhikumoro, and Bambang Aditya Trihatmanto. They divorced in 2007. His second wife is Mayangsari, a former singer and actress, whom he married in 2011. They have one daughter: Khirani Siti Hartina.

Bambang is known as a low-profile and humble person, who rarely gives interviews or makes public appearances. He once said: "I don't like to talk about myself. I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves." He also said that he learned a lot from his father, especially about leadership and discipline. He said: "My father taught me to be responsible for my decisions and actions. He also taught me to respect others and to be grateful for what I have." 0efd9a6b88

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